16th World Congress Union Internationale de Phebologie
31/08-4/09, 2009 |
Sawc Spring
Dallas, EEUU
April 26-29, 2009 |
Iº Congreso Argentino e internacional conjunto de Flebología y Linfología
Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires
2008 |
9th Annual Meeting of the European Venous Forum
Barcelona, España
26 al 28 de Junio, 2008 |
International Angiology
23rd World Congress of the International Union of Angiology
Athens, Greece
June 21-25, 2008 |
8th Annual Meeting of the European Venous Forum
Estambul, Turquía
28-06 - 01/07, 2007 |
20th Annual Congress American College of Phebology
Ponte Vedra, Florida, EEUU
9-12 de noviembre, 2006 |
Tripartite Meeting of the European Venous Forum
London, UK
2006 |
15th World Congress Union Internationale de Phebologie
Río de Janeiro, Brazil
October 2-7, 2005 |
57es Journées Internationales Francophones D´Angéologie
14-15 Enero, 2005 |
18th Annual Congress American College of Phebology
Marco Island, Florida, EEUU
4-7 Noviembre, 2004 |
14th World Congress Union Internationale de Phebologie
Roma, Italia
Septiembre 9-14, 2001 |
Vasomed. European Congress of the UIP.
Annual Meeting of the German Society of Phebology
1999 |
XIII World Congress of Phlebology
1998 |